We want you to feel as secure as possible when buying through Thread Tank; therefore we offer a few different ways to place an order:
To place an order online, find the item you would like to purchase, click the “add to cart” button that appears below the item and either proceed to checkout or continue shopping. If you decide to continue shopping, the product that you placed in the shopping cart will stay there, so you don’t have to worry about going back to it. When you are done shopping, you can check out via our secure checkout. Also, all your account information is safely isolated from unauthorized internet users so you can feel safe and secure while shopping.
At Thread Tank we understand that when making such a sizable and important purchase. You can reach us via email at support@threadtank.com and one of our sales representatives will happily assist you.
We accept the following methods of payment: American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and PayPal. Orders placed using these payment methods will be processed immediately and your order will usually be shipped within 2-7 days. If an order takes longer than 7 days, we will attempt to notify you via email and/or by phone. Should you require in order to be rushed, please contact us before making your purchase.
Once your order is completed, you will automatically be sent an “order confirmation” email. This email will come from Thread Tank and will contain the details of your order as well as your order number. Please review the email details and make sure the information is correct. If any of the information is not correct please contact us immediately so we can fix the problem. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 12 hours, please contact us via email at support@threadtank.com.
If you need to cancel an order, change the order, or change the shipping address of the order, please contact us at info@threadtank.com. Typically, orders are processed and items shipped within 24 hours from the placement of the order. We cannot cancel an order once it has been shipped. Therefore, the sooner you contact us, the better your chance of obtaining a full refund.
If the item was shipped before we were able to make the necessary order changes, you may need to return the shipped item. Please see our return policy for details.
One of the benefits of ordering from Thread Tank is that purchases made outside the state of California are not subject to sales tax. Orders shipped to the state of California will be charged 10% Sales tax at checkout.