Type 3s are people who like to work hard and are motivated. They spend a lot of energy trying to achieve their goals, which are different for each person. These goals could be things like making money or getting a promotion. A Type 3 person is someone who works hard and always tries their best, even if they might not get a good reward for it.
Key Personality Traits of an Enneagram Type 3
- Type Threes have considerable energy
- Type Threes are exceedingly diligent
- Type Threes are inherently industrious
- Type Threes readily set goals in order to accomplish them
- Type Threes have an innate fear of being unworthy and unloved
- Type Threes seek validation via their achievements
What it Means to be a Type 3
What is a Type 3 Enneagram? 'The Achiever' explained
- Type Threes are people who always want to do better than others. They want to achieve more than others. This desire motivates them to take action. This makes Type Threes competitive, which means they work hard to achieve their goals, especially when competing with others. Type Threes usually excel in roles where there is competition and where hard work leads to success, such as sales or roles with easily identifiable results.
- Type Threes are people with a lot of energy. They like being busy and doing things. But many Type Threes need other people to see them working hard. They want to look like they are always working hard and achieving things. This then makes them work even harder.
Achieving or the appearance of achieving?
- For many people, it is not enough to just work hard if no one is around to see it.
- People who need to achieve things may focus on doing a lot rather than doing things well. They may also neglect their own needs while they are working on completing their objectives.
- People who are type three need to feel like they're always achieving something and they need other people to tell them that they're doing a good job. This can be tough on their personal relationships because they might start competing with the people around them and they're always needing others to give them positive feedback. Threes feel uncomfortable around people who are not successful or not trying to achieve something. If the Three is around someone who has achieved more than they have, they will feel bad and might act competitively to try to make up for it.
Dimensions of Type 3 - The Achiever
The three main dimensions of Enneagram Type 3
- When we look at the different things that make up each Enneagram type, we find that Type Threes have five different aspects that go together well. These are called Dimensions. They are specific ways of behaving that show what kind of person someone is. You can think of them as the building blocks of a person's personality.
- The five Dimensions which are most closely related to the Type Three personality type can help you to understand why a Type Three acts the way they do.
- An Enneagram Type 3 is usually confident in their ability to succeed, make a difference, and control what happens in their life.
- Enneagram Type 3 people are usually hard-working and they put a lot of time and effort into whatever they are doing. They work diligently and carefully.
- Enneagram Type 3 people are people who like to compete. They want to do better than other people. This can be things that are important, like getting a job promotion. Or it could be something trivial, like playing a video game.
- A Type 3 Enneagram looks for perfectionism in systems and with behaviors. They try to change things by using moral principles, and they easily see the faults in things that are imperfect. Sometimes Threes can be too perfect and too critical.
Need for Achievement
- People who are Enneagram Type 3 tend to be disciplined when they are working on something they care about. This can make them achieve a lot because they have high standards for themselves.
Type 3 Fears and Desires
A list of the core fears and desires of Enneagram Type 3
Each Enneagram type has things they are afraid of and things they want. They also have things they avoid and things they seek out.Fears
Things type 3s should avoid
Core fear: Not being appreciated or appropriately recognized for their efforts.
- Feeling incompetence
- Failing to complete a goal that they set themselves
- Being outperformed by a competitor
Things Type 3s should seek
I want people to think I'm a hard worker who achieves a lot.
- Accomplishing the goals they set themselves
- Giving themselves new goals to achieve
- Feeling appreciated and recognized by others
What wings can a Type 3 have?
Type 3s can also show some of the qualities of the types next to them, which are 2 and 4. A Type 3 can either have qualities of a Two (3w2) or a Four (3w4). With either of these, the Type 3 would then exhibit certain traits of that type.
Go to Enneagram Type 4