Enneagram Type 2 people are kind and caring. They feel bad for other people when something bad happens and try to help as much as possible. They also care about what other people want and try to give it to them, even if it is not good for the Type 2 person. Type Twos are good at understanding and caring about other people's feelings. They are always ready to help others, even if it means putting their own needs aside. However, Type Twos sometimes try to avoid conflict by giving in to what others want, even if it is not good for them.
Key Personality Traits of an Enneagram Type 2
- Type Twos have considerable compassion
- Type Twos are exceedingly generous
- Type Twos have a natural predisposition towards kindness
- Type Twos readily form bonds with others
- Type Twos have an innate selflessness that drives their major decisions
- Type Twos are harmony seeking and people-pleasing
What it Means to be a Type 2
An outline of what it means to be a Type 2 - The Helper
- Type Twos want to help other people. They look for ways to show how much they care and to make things better for people who are not as lucky as them. They are always thinking of others and not themselves. Type Twos support, protect, and care for others.
- Type Twos are people who think being honest and taking responsibility for their actions is very important. They hate it when people lie or cheat because it is not fair. Type Twos often want to help others and be there for them when they need support.
Lying or honesty?
- Lying, cheating and conning are all things that Type Twos hate. They try to be honest and kind instead.
- Type Twos are people who are mostly led by their emotions. They usually set aside facts and logic, and instead focus on people's feelings and stories. Type Twos don't want any conflict to happen and will try to stop it from happening or making it better. They do this not because they are insecure, but because they think that conflict can hurt other people and it is something that should be fixed as soon as possible.
- People in Type Two think that their self-sacrificing behavior is part of who they are. This can sometimes be used to take advantage of people when the Type Two is not healthy. This can happen when the Type Two is overly protective and possessive and takes advantage of other people's vulnerability for their own benefit.
Dimensions of Type 2 - The Helper
The three main dimensions of Enneagram Type 2
- When we study the different behaviors of each Enneagram type, we find that Type Twos tend to have four positive personality traits. These traits are called "Dimensions." Dimensions are specific behaviors that show what kind of person someone is. You can think of them as the building blocks of a person's personality.
- There are four dimensions which help explain the behavior of a Type Two personality type. These include:
- People with the number two as their personal principle are usually principled and disciplined. This means that they have strong morals and are likely to stick to their promises.
- Twos are usually cooperative, which means they work well with others. They also usually help others, even if it means they have to put the needs of others ahead of their own.
- People with the number 2 tend to be nice. They help others without needing anything in return.
- Two people who work together as a team can be very helpful. They always think about what is best for the team and not just themselves. This makes them great members of any team.
Suspicious (Reversed)
- Enneagram Type Two people are not very suspicious of others. They trust people easily and do not think that others might have bad intentions.
Assertive (Reversed)
- Enneagram Type Twos tend to be gentle personalities, who have more difficulty than others assertively imposing their will. They would rather use a passive or diplomatic approach when managing interpersonal conflict.As this chart shows, Type 4s are the most commonly seen Enneagram type globally, while 6s are less common. Out of all types then, Two ranks fourth at 13.7% - census data from around the world collected helped us to see which continents/regions have above or below average numbers for that personality type..
- Type Two individuals are known to be honest and have strong values. They emphasize being responsible for themselves as well as others. Dishonesty disappointed Type Twos, so they attempt to display kindness instead which typically leads them to help others in need.
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