‘Wearable Stories' to reveal the tales within every person!
‘Wearable Stories' to reveal the tales within every person!
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February 27, 2017 3 min read
We fell in love with this blog post by Rachel Griffin and would love to share it with everyone. This post resonates and connects so well with us. From the first line till the last. It's a must read!
Your life is a book
and it’s time for you
to take your pen back.
It’s time for you to write.
Get out your eraser
and erase the things
you’ve let others write
that don’t feel good.
Those words are not true for you anymore.
Others can write in their own books,
but not yours.
Hold your pen, tight.
Your life
your story.
When she said you were ugly
When he said you were crazy
When they called you a freak
When they said, “You won’t amount to anything!”
When the TV told you about fear
When the magazine told you about beauty
When haters
tried to make their own pain
by insulting you
with lies.
It’s your choice what to keep
What to believe
What to let live in you.
Ask yourself,
“Does this build me up
or tear me down?”
Keep what is nourishing.
Hold what is kind.
It’s your responsibility
to your spirit
to write like you know
you can.
To write, with love
To write until
your hand aches
To write for those
who need your words
the most.
Write what no one else dares to
Write the truth
Take chances
Write in
Don’t be jealous
of other books
with shiny covers.
They are all
works in progress
on the inside.
Sometimes the shiniest outsides
have the saddest stories
hidden away.
Hold your book to your chest.
It is so precious.
It is such a gift!
We can all write
something grand!
No one’s pen
works better.
Everyone’s pen
is magical
and powerful!
Write yourself
love letters.
Write about what brought you joy
when you were a little child.
What did you want to do
when you were seven?
And life hadn’t crossed out
your pictures.
When naysayers hadn’t
ripped out your plans.
When you hadn’t given your pen away
fearful that you didn’t have the words.
You’ve always had the words.
No one
No one was more qualified to write than you.
No one has a book without
confusing chapters,
without mistakes.
Those chapters
made you a better writer
Those chapters
had a purpose
But those chapters are done.
Look at the things you wrote
that make you cringe.
Why did you make those choices?
Were you in pain?
Were you trying to find love
in all the wrong places?
Were you hurt?
It’s time to forgive that broken you.
You were doing the best writing
you knew how to do
at the time.
Guilt and shame just
affect the new chapters you write.
They use up way too much ink.
Ink you could use to write beautiful, helpful things
write your life without them now.
It’s never to late
to write differently.
to write without
anyone’s judgments
or predictions
weakening your hand.
It’s never to late
to change the course of the story
to make the next chapter
Your book is valuable.
Your book is worth reading and sharing.
Your book is great.
Publish it, baby!
No book is perfect
Because perfect books
Are boring books
Your book is better than perfect
It’s a joyful
Credit: Rachel Griffin
Link: http://huff.to/2lZmRhX
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