Let us introduce you to Chelsea, an Infertility Warrior and mother, who through humor, empathy and raw emotion, role models how both joy and sadness can coexist. After experiencing infertility, two early miscarriages and a second trimester loss of twins, Chelsea inspires thousands with @thechelseamom in reframing how to discuss loss and trauma. She does this while lifting up and empowering those who’ve gone through these experiences. Now after having her daughter Addy, she’s navigating the complex world of parenting. Her generosity and kindness are contagious as she often asks her community “How can I help heal you today?” and “How can I support you?” She embodies light and love, reassuring her followers that they’re not alone.
QAfter living through the last two years of the pandemic and all its turbulence felt within our homes, our neighborhoods, across the US, and the globe, your universal message of finding hope and love through perseverance has never been needed more. You’ve shown us that through being open and honest about our struggles and trauma, we can change the narrative, set boundaries, and find a tribe of other warriors, all in the name of healing and community. How can our readers apply your messages today in the world we live in?
AConsidering how much trauma, loss, and tension the pandemic caused I really hope people use my platform as a safe space. I want them to know that the heaviness they feel is normal and can be shared with our fear of judgment. I know loss firsthand and headlining from loss isn’t linear; feelings of joy and sadness can coexist. That’s one of the main messages I wanted to send these past years.
QWhat makes @TheChelseaMom (and all your social channels) stand out is that you don’t speak to your followers from a pedestal, you’re in the trenches with them. We see you take one step forward and two steps back more often than not, revealing your raw vulnerability. Just when you radiate the power and confidence of a superhero, you post an emotional and vulnerable message about your real physical pain and struggle with PCOS and endometriosis. You then ask your followers for wisdom. How does it feel to go from the powerful warrior to someone in need who doesn’t have all the answers?
AI really think that anyone who is able to survive such a heavy condition of life event is considered a warrior. Having answers really doesn’t take away the title of warrior. For example. I consider myself an infertility warrior. While I had Addy through IVF, I still don’t know why I’m infertile. Do I have PCOS and endometriosis? Yes, but the doctors told me they didn’t seem to have much effect on my fertility (from what they could see anyway). So I had no answers and still don’t. I’m forever infertile and I have no idea why. But that doesn’t make me less of a warrior. Anyone who’s able to fight for their dreams and love through the weight of such things is a warrior.
QToday what do you do to relieve anxiety, to move through it and what do you do to boost your happiness?
AI have been practicing grounding techniques. If I feel anxiety coming on I try to find things around me that I feel, smell, see and hear, etc. it helps me feel connected to the environment around me and remind myself that I’m safe. For a boost of happiness, I’ll either throw on a song I love and dance it out, or I’ll just spend time with Addy (my daughter). She’s living proof that dreams come true.
Understanding Infertility
- If the careful timing of menstrual cycles isn’t working and you’ve been trying to conceive for a while, you may want to seek more options. This can be incredibly difficult emotionally, mentally, and physically. The good news is: There are many options for women, men, and couples who want to conceive. The research is starting to tell us more about new possible strategies and interventions that can help. And there is support—you are not alone.
- How Long Do People Typically Try to Conceive? Around 85 percent of couples conceive within a year of trying to become pregnant and most conceive long before the one-year mark. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive a child within one year, or within six months if the woman is thirty-five or older (because it’s important to act sooner after this age).
- Commerce. Once you’ve given your readers useful information in a meaningful setting, they may be interested in actually plunking down their credit card. Unfortunately, here’s where many business blogs stop. Blog editors, familiar with their company’s e-commerce site and how to find specific products, can assume readers innately know how to find the product or have the motivation to track it down. Don’t get me wrong. Some very small percentage of prospects will to go extreme efforts to find the product. Unfortunately, the rest will just leave or worse go to your competitor.
QContinuing with our superhero theme…Since the dawn of time, women and mothers have juggled, multi-tasked, built community, nurtured and survived through thick and thin. Having endured, experienced and navigated a myriad of deep and traumatic events in your young life, what do you see as your superpower over all the rest that gives you the most strength and resilience to thrive?
AI think my superpower is the (honestly surprising) will to never give up. If I’m alive, I’m meant to keep going and keep trying to reach whatever goals I have, no matter how big or small.

"So I had no answers and still don’t. I’m forever infertile and I have no idea why. But that doesn’t make me less of a warrior. Anyone who’s able to fight for their dreams and love through the weight of such things is a warrior."
Chelsea's Pick: Girl Mama
Your little girl is a sweet cutie pie (most of the time) and you love her to bits and pieces!
QYou’ve revealed your superpower. Now conversely, what is your kryptonite? The thing that is an obstacle or hinders you from living out your vision?
A100 percent my anxiety. This world has proven to be dangerous and scary, and you can’t only control so much that happens around you while also maintaining a normal and healthy life. Fear can be a monster in itself, so I do my best to make sure I am brave and step outside my comfort zone so my daughter can experience fun activities.
QEncouraging self acceptance, self love and welcoming all to join your “dope warrior-filled community” feels like being invited into a powerful and safe haven. How do you see your role in the future in helping ourselves, friends and our children, find this elusive empowerment? Can we find it without having to experience trauma?
AI feel like trauma is a given in life, it just looks different for everyone. Everyone experiences something that stings and stays in the back of their mind. But I do believe you can have self love, respect, and empowerment by being reminded constantly and leading by example. I go out without makeup, I wear a crop top that shows my “not so perfect” mommy tummy, I am myself and actually enjoy the freedom of it.
QIs there anything that you’d like to touch on that we haven’t covered? Or something that is especially of the moment in your life right now?
AThere’s only one YOU on this earth. Your existence was 1 in 40 trillion chances. So please stop believing that you’re not of value or a waste of space because here you are, alive. And it was a 1 in 40 trillion chance. If that doesn’t tell you that you were meant to be here, I don't know what does. ♥️
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